Can An Interventionist Help Your Loved One?

Intervention and working with an Interventionist saves lives.

What is Intervention?

Intervention is when a family member, co-worker or friend steps in and helps an addict comprehend the severity of their problem. This is important because often times an addict does not realize they even have a problem. When starting the intervention process, it is important to view the addict with compassion, hold back critical comments and try to accurately portray the problem to your loved one. Through intervention, a person no longer has to hit rock bottom to see the results of their addiction, through this process a person only has to be willing to listen to be motivated to change.

An intervention is such a fragile process and thus, it is very helpful to have the assistance of a skilled professional to guide you through the process, and maintain order when the intervention is made. Also, because many people are less likely to listen to a close friend telling them their mistakes, it can be extremely helpful to have a trained professional in the room who has performed successful interventions before. When a successful intervention is made, a person then begins to seek drug rehab at a drug treatment center where therapy sessions and special therapy programs will assist in making the treatment successful.

Types of Intervention

  • Intervention with family
  • Intervention in dire/emergency situations
  • Intervention of adolescents
  • Intervention at work

Professional interventionists can be very helpful when determining the type of intervention to perform. They do this by properly assessing the situation through talking with family members and friends in order to learn about the addict’s lifestyle. Also, during the intervention, the interventionist will help in keeping the mood positive, and by encouraging and assisting in avoiding severe confrontation.

Three Steps

  1. The first step in the intervention process in to choose a professional interventionist to guide you through the proper procedures.
  2. The second step is to select the right type of intervention for you and your loved one as well as to set up a scheduled plan.
  3. The third step is to plan and execute the time for your intervention. In this step, it is important to remember to approach your loved one with compassion, care and not in a way that might come across as an “attack” of the person’s lifestyle.

Also, when planning an intervention it is important that one does not enable the addict’s unhealthy behavior or make excuses for his or her behavior. By not enabling his or her behavior, you let your loved one know that there are consequences for cocaine abuse and also bring about a possible motivation to stop. Lastly, the most important thing to do is listen and be a support for your loved one through this difficult time.

As the intervention process comes to an end, professional treatment for drug abuse begins. Here at these drug treatment facilities, your loved one will face new challenges and will need even more support and encouragement to complete the treatment program.


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.