Alcohol Street Names and Nicknames

Did you know that over 40 percent of kids have consumed alcohol by the 8th grade? That number climbs even higher to 75 percent by the end of high school. Those are scary numbers, yet many parents refuse to believe their child would fall into these statistics.

Don’t be fooled. The more you know about what your child does and who they hang out with, the more likely you’ll be able to spot when they’re messing with the wrong stuff. They may even be talking about using alcohol right in front of you. Do you know all the common slang terms for drinking or partying? To help you gain insight into your child’s relationship with alcohol, we’ve compiled a list of common street names and nicknames for alcohol and drinking.

Nicknames/Slang for Alcohol

Cold One
Giggle Juice
Hard Stuff
Kool Aid

Nicknames/Slang for Drinking

Beer Bong (or “Hose Monster”): A device used to drink beer quickly through a hose or funnel.

Crunked: To be high off alcohol and marijuana at the same time.

Hand Grenade: A small bottle of sweet, pre-mixed alcohol.

Pre-game: Drinking alcohol before a party.

Watermelon: Sometimes a whole watermelon is injected with Everclear, which can be cut up and served.

Jello Shots (or “Zippers”): Jello made from alcohol, which is served in small cups or cut up into squares.

Jag: An extended period of heavy drinking.

How to Talk to Your Teen about a Drinking Alcohol

According to, only 10 percent of the estimated 1.4 million teens with substance abuse problems receive treatment. Don’t let your child be another sad statistic. If you think your teen is using drugs or drinking, take action. The sooner you address the problem, the less likely that their experimentation will lead to abuse and addiction. Immediately begin to more closely monitor your teen’s activities and set up reasonable rules and consequences that are enforceable. The most important thing you can do as a parent is not deny that a drug or alcohol problem exists. If the problem is beyond your ability to handle, ask for help. There are many drug and alcohol treatment programs that are tailored to teens.

Teen Alcohol Treatment at Casa Palmera

At Casa Palmera, we understand the unique issues teens face, and we know that alcohol use is usually a symptom of something deeper. Our highly skilled staff is trained at uncovering the underlying issues that lead teens to use drugs or alcohol and helping them to work through their problems in a more productive way.

Don’t let your child ruin his or her life with alcohol. Call Casa Palmera today and put your teen in the hands of trained, highly skilled professional who will bring your child back to a healthy, happy life.


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.