A new vaccine shows promise for producing immunity to cocaine’s highly addictive effects. The study – in mice – is published online in Molecular Therapy, one of the Nature journals.
Rehabilitation Blog Posts by Casa Palmera Staff
Study coordinates depression treatment with disease care
A study in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that patients do significantly better when their depression is treated in conjunction with their diabetes or heart disease.
Sleep and PTSD: No firm ties found
Time after time you hear stories of people with PTSD complaining of sleepness nights. It fits the classic conception of the tortured sufferer, awakened in a sweat from visions of… Read More
PTSD linked to right brain activity
PTSD often stems from war, but can also be a result of exposure to any psychologically traumatic event and manifests itself in flashbacks, recurring nightmares, anger, or hyper-vigilance. Using a… Read More
PTSD Treatment Research Begins to Target Memory Reconsolidation
MONTREAL – The field of psychiatry is facing a paradigm shift with new research suggesting that medications and psychotherapy may be able to permanently erase the “trauma” from traumatic memories,… Read More
Diabetes and depression are a two-way street, study says
Depression and type 2 diabetes are closely related, doubling difficulties for people coping with both conditions. It makes intuitive sense that someone diagnosed with a serious illness such as type… Read More
Well-Being Improves After Retirement
Leaving the work force may improve one’s health, a large, French cohort study showed. Among workers at a French national gas and electricity company, retirement was associated with sharp reductions… Read More
Risk of First-Ever Depression Rises During Perimenopause
DENVER – Women with no history of depression are at sharply increased risk of first-ever, clinically significant depressive symptoms during the menopausal transition, three major prospective longitudinal studies have shown.
Tetris Might Be Effective PTSD Treatment
A new study suggests that playing Tetris, and possibly other quick moving visual puzzles, could be used to treat flashbacks that are associated with issues like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder…. Read More
‘Drunkorexia’ a growing trend among college students
While “drunkorexia” is not a medical term, it has become easily understood slang for the practice of swapping food calories for those in alcohol.