What are Club Drugs?
Club drugs, as their name implies, are drugs typically used by teenagers and young adults at dance clubs, raves, trance parties and bars. These drugs are very well hidden, sometimes disguised in Pez dispensers, Skittles, eye drop bottles and Tootsie Rolls. People who take these drugs typically feel an intense euphoric feeling as well as a false sense of calmness. Memory impairment is frequent. These drugs can be very dangerous and harmful, their use sometimes resulting in death. All drugs can be dangerous if used frequently enough or in large amounts. When drug addiction occurs it is important to seek out drug rehab at a drug treatment center in order to prevent serious side effects and possibly death.
Date rape drugs are also another name for some of these club drugs. Sexual predators can easily use these drugs to their advantage as some are tasteless, odorless, colorless and thus easily hidden. Because of memory loss occurring while under the drug’s influence, sexual assault and robbery can occur.
Types/Popular Names of Club Drugs
Types of club drugs include Ecstasy, GHB, Methamphetamine, and LSD. Club drugs are popular in part because they are so easy to take. Typically, no snorting, smoking or injecting is required. Popular street names for these drugs are:
MDMA (Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine)
Ecstasy, X, E, XTC, STP, Adam, peace, clarity, lover’s speed, peace, bean, M&M and roll
GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)
Georgia home boy, liquid X, liquid ecstasy, liquid E, G, Gib, G-riffic, natural sleep-500, gamma-oh, gamma hydrate, sodium oxybate, somatomax, organic Quaalude, cherry meth, scoop, easy lay, grievous body harm, soap, salty water and fantasy
Known as the most common “date rape drug”
R2, roofie, roche, la rocha, rope, Mexican Valium, circles and forget-me pill
Special K, K, vitamin K, fort dodge, psychedelic heroin and cat valium
Crystal, meth, crystal meth, ice, tina, crank, speed, ice and chalk
Vitamin R, R-ball and skippy
LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide acid)
Acid, boomers, and yellow sunshines, blotter, boomers, cubes and microdot
PCP (Phencyclidine)
Angel dust, elephant tranquilizer, crystal, crystal joints (CJs), TAC, hog and the sheets
Effects of Club Drugs
Various effects resulting from these club drugs include:
MDMA (Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine)
- Anxiety
- Uncontrollable teeth clenching
- Hyponatremia (water intoxication)
- Liver and Kidney failure
- Memory impairment
GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)
- Sleeping
- Coma
- Seizures
- Tremors
- Anxiety
- Anterograde amnesia (not remembering what happened when under the influence of the drug)
- Drowsiness
- Urinary Retention
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Hallucinations
- Amnesia
- Higher blood pressure
- Depression
- Respiratory problems
- Heart attack
- Malnutrition
- Buildup of liquid in the lungs
- Nerve cell damage
- Depression
- Paranoia
- Irregular heartbeat
- Liver complications
- Halucinations
- Fainting
LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide acid)
- Altered personality and mood
- Increased body temperature
- Higher heart rate and blood pressure
- Sleeplessness
- Sweating
PCP (Phencyclidine)
- Amnesia
- Depersonalization
- Poor Balance
- Delirium
- Hostility
The effects of drug use can become very serious with consistent abuse. In many cases, drug rehab facilities are recommended to halt the continuation of such a negative lifestyle.