Heroin dependency is a devastating condition that damages both the mind and the body. It is a highly addictive drug that is extremely habit forming and can lead to a high dependency very quickly. Heroin is becoming more widely used with the number of users nearly doubling between 2007 and 2012. It has reached epidemic proportions. It can have detrimental effects on a person’s brain, heart, and lungs. When combined with alcohol or sedatives, the risk of death greatly increases for the user. Side effects and withdrawal from heroin can negatively influence the body’s physiological systems, specifically the central nervous, circulatory, and respiratory systems.
Heroin users do not intend to become addicts when they start using recreationally. Addiction to heroin usually develops when a person tries to self-medicate. It acts very similarly to other drugs in the opiate family because it is derived from Morphine. When a person first takes heroin, they experience a rush of happiness then everything slows down for several hours and the person will experience a dream-like state.
As it is with other opiates, a safe and comfortable heroin detox is required before healing can begin. Casa Palmera Treatment Center, located in San Diego, understands your suffering and your wish to be free from your addiction. Our staff consists of qualified professionals who are experts in treating patients who are addicted to heroin and those who are going through heroin withdrawal.
Treatment Methods of Heroin Addiction
Detoxification and Suboxone
Programs specializing in detoxification try to achieve safe withdrawal from opiates by minimizing the severity of physical symptoms which can last between 10 to 14 days. Suboxone can be used to block withdrawal symptoms from opiate drugs such as heroin, OxyContin, codeine, and morphine. Suboxone is used during the detoxification period. The patient is stabilized when virtually all symptoms of withdrawal are gone usually within four to six hours.
Buprenorphine is a popular alternative to methadone for heroin addiction recovery. It causes effects which are weaker than methadone, and individuals are less likely to overdose. Users are also less likely to become dependent on Buprenorphine.
At Casa Palmera, we understand that having a heroin addiction can be devastating and can consume your life. Casa Palmera provides you with the tools and skills you will need to make your transition to finally becoming “Heroin Free!” If you or a loved one suffers from heroin addiction, contact Casa Palmera in San Diego to discuss options for heroin detox and treatment so you can get the help you deserve.