A new methadone program in Utah strives to change lives and help addicts. Men and women wait in line each day to get their daily dose of methadone in order to stave off the severe symptoms of opiate drug withdrawal.
In the state of Utah, more than 2,700 individuals take part in this program by registering with a opiate treatment center approved to dispense methadone. The most common of the drugs people are addicted to are heroin, OxyContin, Lortab, morphine and codeine.
The number of people addicted to opiates is on the rise according to Victoria Delheimer who is an opiate expert in the state of Utah. Methadone has saved thousands of lifes, and it really is unfortunate that the public perceives it in the wrong way says Dr. Charles Walton.
With the right dosage, methadone will suppress withdrawal for around 24 – 36 hours. This dosage will not make the user feel high, it will just make them feel normal and more able to focus their energy on beating the addiction.
If you or a loved one suffers from opiate addiction, please get the help you deserve by contacting an opiate treatment center today.