Types of Addiction

Addiction is a chronic disease that is characterized by ongoing substance abuse and behavioral patterns. While there are different types of addiction, the basis of substance abuse is the same across all disorders. It takes control in all areas of a person’s life, including family, work, health, social life, and mental health.

What is the Impact of Addiction?

Different types of addiction can all have the same impact. Many of the consequences associated with persistent drug or alcohol use may include: 

  • Changes in brain function and cognitive ability
  • Terminal health conditions that are irreversible
  • Anxiety, depression, or trauma
  • Psychological or chemical dependency on the substance
  • Legal and financial problems
  • Severe side effects, suicide, or fatality 

The impact of addiction reaches far beyond the individual. Their family, friends, coworkers, and even the community can feel the impact of substance abuse. The bottom line is that everyone is affected by long-term substance abuse.

Two Main Types of Addiction

Addiction can be broken down into two categories: 

Alcohol or Drug Addiction

Substance addiction is a slowly progressive condition that can last for several months or years. For this reason, the symptoms of addiction may go unnoticed or ignored by everyone, including the addict. Someone who has developed a tolerance to drugs or alcohol will increase the dosage to keep feeling the effects of the substance. 

At first, a person may convince everyone that they have it under control. However, as the condition worsens, every area of their life starts to deteriorate. Eventually, they will hit bottom. The only way to get out of the addiction is to see professional help, starting with checking into a detox center. 

Behavioral Addiction

Behavioral addiction moves beyond substance abuse and can include an array of compulsive behaviors. Common types of addiction include eating, gambling, pornography, shopping, video games, cell phone use, or exercise. When combined with substance abuse, some of these disorders grow progressively worse.

For instance, a person may combine drinking with watching pornography every day. These co-occurring disorders can collectively consume a person’s time, thoughts, and energy, eventually destroying their life. 

Treatment for Addiction

There is a form of treatment for every addiction that exists. Treatment may begin with detox and then move on to inpatient or outpatient rehab. Once a person completes rehab, they can continue their treatment in aftercare. But for true recovery to occur, a person must go through every stage of treatment and continue reaching out to a support network. For some, treatment is a lifelong process.

Therapists often combine evidence-based treatment and holistic therapy that addresses all areas of addiction. Dual diagnosis offers assessment and cares for mental disorders such as ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or PTSD. These disorders are often associated with addiction.

Start Your Treatment at Casa Palmera

Casa Palmera provides detox, rehab, and aftercare for different types of addiction. We provide treatment programs that promote long-term recovery. To find out more about your treatment options, contact us today.

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.