Why the Family Program is so Important
Casa Palmera’s family program introduces the strong belief that the behavior of every member of a family impacts every other member of that family, which is why we offer a family therapy treatment program. The stability of the family is often dependent upon each member fulfilling specific roles.

As part of the family therapy treatment program, the family is offered support through our one-day family program while their loved one is in treatment. They are also offered further therapy if requested and deemed necessary by Casa staff. A line of communication between the family and primary therapist, who is responsible for managing the care of the patient, strengthens and enhances the patient’s care.
As treatment progresses, the team can always formulate a more integrative treatment approach that will better target a family’s particular needs. During the family program, the family gets to experience some of the therapeutic modalities that patients experience during their stay at Casa Palmera. This makes it possible to assist family members in identifying and changing their unhealthy ways of relating to the patient. These skills will help the family support the healthy changes the patient has made over the course of treatment.
How Family Interaction Plays a Role in the Future
Information gained through family interactions is a significant factor in the development of a more appropriate discharge and aftercare plan. It provides information to other professionals, whose services may be necessary to sustain ongoing recovery after discharge from the Casa Palmera treatment program.
Life-Changing Lessons
After completing the family program, family members are encouraged to work on their own issues and utilize the skills they learned to continue developing healthy relationships with each other. Resources and recommendations for support services are given to each family, specifically tailored to their needs. The one-day family program is included in the cost of an individual’s treatment.
Call for more information about our family therapy program in San Diego and get help today.