Cocaine is a very popular drug, and popularity does not come without its price. In the United States, cocaine is the second most abused drug and has the second highest dependency rate. In fact, 1.7 million Americans can be classified as having a dependency on or addiction to cocaine. A recent study showed that about 14 percent of all admissions to drug abuse treatment programs were for cocaine abuse. The majority of these individuals (over 70 percent) also smoked crack and abused other drugs.
Cocaine addiction and dependency ruins lives. If you or someone you love is caught in the grip of cocaine addiction, a cocaine rehab center can help break the addiction’s powerful hold and return your life back to you.
California Cocaine Rehab Centers: Detox
The first step of cocaine rehab is to enter a detoxification program. During the detox process, the individual will be safely monitored and treated for withdrawal symptoms as the body rids itself of the drug’s harmful toxins. Cocaine withdrawal does not often have immediate physical symptoms, but can cause severe changes in mood. The symptoms of cocaine withdrawal begin with a crash or extreme exhaustion that can last for days. At the beginning of the crash a person will experience craving, irritability, agitation, dysphoria, the inability to sleep, and sometimes depression. The final stages of cocaine withdrawal can include increased feelings of depression, sleepiness, mild craving and entering a state known as ‘anhedonia,’ or the inability to feel pleasure from activities or experiences one once enjoyed.
Currently, there are no FDA-approved medications for treating cocaine addiction and the withdrawal symptoms; however, there are a number of effective cocaine addictions treatments available. The entire detox period will be supervised by trained medical personnel who will monitor your withdrawal and make sure you are safe and as comfortable as possible.
California Cocaine Rehab Centers: Treatment
After detox, successful treatment can begin. The most effective treatment for cocaine addiction is a comprehensive approach that addresses not only the physical effects of the cocaine addiction, but the psychological effects as well. A comprehensive approach that combines behavioral therapy, individual counseling, 12-Step support, drug testing, dual diagnosis and positive reinforcement has been shown to be the most effective way to reduce cocaine abuse. Some California cocaine rehab centers will also introduce holistic therapies such as yoga, acupuncture and equine therapies to help you reconnect your body, mind and spirit — all areas that are damaged by addiction.
Cocaine Rehab Centers: Residential and Sober Living
When seeking treatment for cocaine addiction, it is often best to receive care at a residential treatment center and continue your first few months of recovery at a sober living facility.
There are many benefits of residential treatment, but perhaps the biggest benefit is that it provides a structured environment that’s free of temptations and distractions. Residential treatment for cocaine addiction provides round-the-clock care and support to help you focus on your recovery and teach you the skills needed to live a drug-free life. It also provides a temporary escape from the daily stresses and responsibilities of home, work, family and other relationships so you can solely focus on recovery.
Sober living is often a good follow-up to any effective cocaine rehab center. It allows you to live in a clean, sober environment so that you can re-learn how to live a life without drugs and alcohol during the delicate first months of recovery. Sober living is often recommended for people who have just completed residential treatment and are at risk for relapsing if they return home.
If cocaine addiction has a hold of your life or the life of a loved one, a cocaine rehab center can finally set you free. Call one today and start the healing process.