All-American drug, Aunt Nora, Barbs, Blow, Coke, Dream, Foo-foo dust, Her, King’s habit, Peruvian lady, Snow, Tardust, Witch and Zip.
Crack Cocaine
Beam, Bopper, Candy, CDs, Electric kool-aid, Girl, Mighty white, Pop, Real tops, Rock, Sevenup, Space, Twinkie and Yam.
Powder Cocaine
Aspirin, Aunt, Candy sugar, Devil’s dandruff, Fast white lady, Flave, Pariba, Shake, Shrile, Soft, Sugar boogers, Uptown, White dragon and Yao.
Inhaled Cocaine
Blow blue, Blow coke, Booster, Cork the air, Do a line, Geeze, Hitch up the reindeers, Horning, One and one, Pop, Sniff, Snort and Toke.
Cocaine Mixed with Marijuana
51, Bazooka, Blunt, Candy sticks, Cocktail, Dirties, Greek, Gremmies, Lace, Premos, Primo turbo, Splitting, Tio and Woolie.
Cocaine Mixed with Heroin
Belushi, Boy-girl, Crisscrossing, Dynamite, Flamethrowers, Goofball, H & C, He-she, Murder one, Primos, Smoking gun, Snowball, Speedballing and Whiz bang.
Cocaine Mixed with Other Drugs and Chemicals
Beam me up Scottie, Bumping up, C & M, Candy flipping on a string, Cigamos, Cotton brothers, Croak, Draf, Five-way, Handlebars, Pseudocaine, Shabu and Snow seals.