60 Day Inpatient Rehab Program
Casa Palmera’s 60 day inpatient rehab Los Angeles program focuses on comprehensively diagnosing and treating the various factors that contribute to addiction. These operative factors are typically a combination of physiological features as well as psychological characteristics. Because substance abuse pathology is a complex web of competing traits and characteristics, to successfully address the myriad factors contributing to active abuse requires a cross-disciplined substance abuse program team with experience administering to this niche population. Of necessity, treatment will focus on resolving the primary features of the addiction. In addition, we address symptoms of secondary mental health conditions or co-occurring disorders.

For the addict, this translates into having to contend with all of the issues that accompany their addictive pathology. They also must deal with all of the features that attend other mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety. The psychological complexities that dual diagnosis treatment brings to the table demand clinical strategies that are as nuanced and individualized as the people seeking help. Casa Palmera’s methodology is a combination of the most current, evidence-based techniques available, employed in conjunction with alternative treatment modalities. Casa Palmera specifically designs these modalities to reach people who have previously been unsuccessful in other traditional treatment settings.
60 Day Inpatient Rehab Los Angeles Treatment Planning
Casa Palmera’s treatment plans, whether 30, 60, or 90 days, break down into different parts.
- Medical detox
- Primary care residential treatment
- Aftercare
Unlike 30 day treatment plans, which by necessity require augmented service provisions that often have to be continued during the aftercare phase, one of the distinctive features of Casa Palmera’s 60 day inpatient rehab Los Angeles is its continuing commitment to treat the issues that have been uncovered during the first month of rehabilitation. Typically, growth achieved in the first 30 days, however significant, still measures against the neurological complications that arise from sustained addiction.
Although these varieties of personality disturbances are individual, complications often follow a fairly predictable course. With regard to treatment measures, this is exemplified by the fact that, from a purely physiological stand-point, every time a person ingests a narcotic, their brain releases Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, which acts as a reward stimulus that reinforces the next use. Over time, with sustained abuse, this phenomenon physiologically alters brain pathways and results in increasingly strong cravings. It is a statistical fact that the longer one stays in treatment the greater one’s chances of maintaining long-term recovery. Because of the personalized, intensive nature of Casa Palmera’s 60 day inpatient rehab Los Angeles programs, coupled with our aftercare services and alumni program, marked changes in a client’s personality are measurable after even 30 days of treatment.
Stages of 60 Day Inpatient Rehab
As stated, like 30 day treatment, 60 day inpatient rehab breaks down into three distinct phases. Each phase addresses the issues that have cumulatively arisen and encompass the entire spectrum of addictive pathology. Based on this data, one of the key benefits of a 60 day inpatient rehab Los Angeles treatment over the 30 day rehab is simply giving the brain additional time to adjust to being substance-free. This process occurs, of course, against a backdrop of various clinical interventions that have proven to be successful.
Although most medical detoxes take roughly a week, the brain and body need more time to acclimate and stabilize to sober status. Current research asserts that for most people, the brain takes roughly 90 days to fully resume some semblance of normal functionality. Because of these parameters, rehabilitation works best with a combination of traditional and non-traditional modalities of therapy. Medications that alleviate symptoms arising from either the primary addictive pathology or the symptoms that emerge from co-occurring disorders are administered.
Part 1
Typically, during the first 30 days of rehab, issues surface that often require a significant period of time to address and heal. As such, ubiquitous features that emerge at this juncture of treatment are balanced against the need to delve deeper into core issues. However, it is vital to ensure that the client is ready and amenable to accept certain truths about their condition.
For most people that suffer from dual diagnosis, emotional and mental insights occur slowly. They are punctuated by moments of sporadic growth, hence the eloquent and simple equation–the longer one stays in rehab, the better their chances are of maintaining long-term stabilization and taking their growth out into their larger lives. The 60 day inpatient rehab Los Angeles treatment program provided at Casa Palmera accomplishes two goals. The first goal allows for the time and space necessary to physically, mentally, and emotionally stabilize. The second goal offers the one-on-one therapy, group therapy, as well as family therapy and couples’ counseling necessary to nurture the healing process in the most comprehensive way possible.
Part 2
During the first 30 days of treatment, diagnostic and clinical measures can be hindered by the neuro-chemical dysfunction generated by sustained abuse. The subacute and post acute withdrawal syndrome (also referred to as PAWS) that follows in the wake of the initial detox frequently cause lingering symptoms that are similar symptoms of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and other mood disorders. As people participate in individual therapy and group therapy, these symptoms tend to diminish. Unfortunately, misdiagnosing conditions is a common pitfall for traditional treatment professionals. And it is common for therapists and physicians to confuse the anxiety symptoms of post-acute or subacute withdrawal for symptoms of an actual anxiety disorder. This confusion makes it necessary to allow extra time to establish an accurate baseline. From there diagnostic procedures can proceed.
Through continued observation, both individually and on a group level, our therapists distinguish between temporary symptomology and root psychiatric conditions. This is the fundamental purpose of the 60 day process–to engage the resources available to provide targeted clinical and medication-based interventions that reduce the underlying factors contributing to addictive pathology.
Part 3
The final Phase of Casa Palmera’s 60 day inpatient rehab Los Angeles program focuses on both continuing and enlarging the coping skills and strategies the client has been practicing over the course of their stay. By their nature, these issues tend to be transitional and involve assisting the client to continue the work necessary to sustain their growth and recovery outside of a structured facility. During this stage of continuing care, issues tend to surface that reflect the enormity of the transition from residential treatment to sustained recovery without the immediate safety provided by the in-house setting.
As these issues emerge, it is also common to reassess goals and establish new objectives. We plan objectives that reflect the client’s changing needs as they move into the aftercare phase of their recovery. This is an entirely natural development for clinical treatment. In cases where significant psychological or psychiatric issues require continuing attention, the transition may take another few days or weeks to address. In cases where clinical and medical interventions have helped facilitate rapid progress, healing, and stabilization, the transition might already be a topic of discussion. Regardless, aftercare planning takes all of these factors into consideration. We provide real-time recommendations for each person in order to ensure the highest chance of continued recovery.
Choosing the best Los Angeles rehab center for yourself or a loved one can be a difficult prospect. Sometimes a supportive, knowledgeable voice can be the greatest help of all. To learn more, contact us today.