Alcoholic Dementia

People who consume large amounts of alcohol are three times more likely to have dementia by age 65 than people who did not drink. This is because alcohol causes brain deterioration over time. More specifically, it prevents neurons from regenerating. Let’s take a closer look below at alcoholic dementia.

Binge drinking over a period of several months or years can increase the risk of dementia, which takes on characteristics similar to schizophrenia. Several subtypes of dementia are directly linked to sustained alcohol abuse. Furthermore, dementia is irreversible. Once a person has dementia, the symptoms are terminal.

Symptoms of Alcoholic Dementia

The symptoms of alcoholic dementia can be difficult to identify at first, as this is a disease that slowly progresses. Deterioration in the brain cells is what causes the changes in behavior and cognition. Some of the most common symptoms of the disease may include: 

  • Feeling agitated or irritable for no apparent reason
  • Ongoing anxiety or depression
  • Feeling angry or lashing out in an aggressive manner
  • Restlessness or insomnia
  • Seeing or hearing things that are not there
  • Strange behaviors that are uncharacteristic of your personality

While a single symptom does not necessarily indicate alcoholic dementia, a combination of symptoms may be signs of the disease. A treatment center in Los Angeles offers comprehensive assessment and treatment for the condition, as well as addiction. Treatment specialists can provide professional care through the early and late stages of dementia. 

Professional Care for Dementia

As alcoholic dementia progresses, certain people, places, or things can trigger an episode. One of the most common triggers includes changes in surroundings. These changes often create fear, paranoia, or confusion. Treatment specialists can help clients and their families through these difficult situations. 

For instance, if a person moves to a new residence, nursing home, or other surrounding, a treatment center can help the family with the process of admitting you to a hospital, carrying on with day to day activities regardless of changes, and identifying the triggers. The family will play a significant role in providing support during this challenging time. 

Medication for Dementia

Certain types of medication and treatment can help clients with the psychological and physical symptoms of alcoholic dementia. Medication is especially valuable if a person may injure themselves or someone else. There are some risks to using medication. One of the risks is becoming addicted to the medication. Therefore, a client may need to be monitored closely by a treatment specialist.

It is important for the family to stay closely tied to the client as they are overcoming addiction and managing the symptoms of alcoholic dementia. Greater family participation helps the individual adjust to life with the condition. 

Find Out More About Treatment for Alcoholic Dementia

If you or a loved one have dementia, there is treatment available at Casa Palmera. You can get the help you need at our alcoholic dementia treatment center in Los Angeles. Contact us today to find out more. We are committed to helping you live your best life regardless of your condition.

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.