How to Choose a Reputable Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility

California drug treatment facilities have gained nationwide attention lately as an extensive special investigation conducted by CNN and the independent, nonprofit Center for Investigative Reporting has been brought to light. Numerous facilities have presumably engaged in fraudulent activities, many under the eyes of the California program set in charge of overseeing drug and rehabilitation centers, the report states. With the glare of a negative spotlight, Medi-Cal is said to have begun to make changes to their internal procedures and commenced their own investigation of questionable practices. It is a scary proposition to put your health and recovery in the hands of a sub-par facility. We have put together some important questions to ask and information to gather before you make a decision on a behavioral health care facility.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Accreditation

How can you tell if a treatment facility is reputable and trustworthy? What are their treatment modalities and philosophies? Do they specialize in the behavior, disorder or dependency treatment that you require? Are they accredited by the Joint Commission or other highly regarded agency?

Accredited Behavioral Health Care Requirements

The standards-based performance areas for all behavioral health care organizations are:

  • Care, Treatment and Services
  • Environment of Care
  • Emergency Management
  • Human Resources
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Leadership
  • Life Safety
  • Medication Management
  • National Patient Safety Goals
  • Information Management

(The Joint Commission, 2013 June 17, Facts about Behavioral Health Care Accreditation)

It is imperative to confirm that the drug and alcohol rehab that you choose is professionally staffed and accredited. If you are considering a drug, alcohol or behavior treatment center, conducting extensive research is essential. As crucial as a qualified health care center is, you will also want to examine the type of treatment options available at each drug treatment facility. Explore what psychological and recovery values and beliefs that they follow; a comprehensive holistic approach to recovery has been proven to provide the best results. Recovery from addiction or behavioral issues is a personal pathway; the road one person takes may be different from another. Some of the programs that a facility may offer include nutrition and exercise, group and individual counseling as well as recovery through the arts.

The Good News about the California Drug Treatment Investigation

There are many high quality treatment facilities in California. This investigation does not affect the majority of them. The problems that have been highlighted and the lack of oversight by the governing bodies are in the process of being resolved. The better the system can do of ensuring that drug treatment centers that operate in the state are following guidelines, the more current and future patients will benefit. For more information on accreditation or a list of California treatment facilities, visit

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.