Does Insurance Cover Rehab?

Before you enter a rehab program, you may be wondering, “Does Insurance Cover Rehab?” Bluecross Blueshield drug rehab coverage covers a wide range of treatments for drug and alcohol addiction. The type and amount of coverage you currently have depend on the specifics of your policy and your eligibility.

Blue Cross Blue Shield offers coverage for substance abuse and mental health treatment. In some cases, you may only get partial coverage. In others, your insurer will pay the entire amount. To find out more about the specifics of your coverage, you can check with the rehab center or call your insurance provider.

Does Insurance Cover Rehab?

Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance coverage falls into multiple categories so that you have choices as to which plan is right for you. Your insurance plan can help you with the medical costs associated with addiction, such as:

How much you pay out-of-pocket will depend on your coverage limits or whether the treatment center is in the network.

Your Personal Medical Expenses with Insurance

In most cases, insurance does not cover 100% of all costs. Therefore, you will need to determine how much of the cost will come back to you depending on the following

1. Deductible

You will have a set amount that you will pay annually for treatment before your insurance kicks in. The amount of your deductible is in your particular insurance plan. Once you have paid a certain amount for your treatment, then your provider will take care of the rest up to a specific limit.

2. Copays & Coinsurance

Even after you meet your deductible, you will still be responsible for a certain percentage of the payments for addiction treatment. The copay is based on a percentage per visit or per service from the treatment center. You will need to factor in how much the insurance provider will take care of before you pay your percentage.

3. Out-Of-Pocket Limit

With Blue Cross Blue Shield, there is a limit to how much you pay out-of-pocket for rehab. Once you reach the limit, your plan will pay 100% of the maximum allowed to take care of the remainder of your expenses. It is crucial that you understand what the coverages limit on your policy. Once you exceed the limit, you will once again be responsible for the remainder of your expenses.

The benefit of Blue Cross Blue Shield is that you have access to quality treatment centers and professionals who can help you get on the path to recovery. You can also get the treatment you need that specifically addresses your addiction and your mental health condition.

Reach Out with Questions

If you want to know does insurance cover rehab, then contact Casa Palmera today. We can go over the details of your insurance and which of our services are covered under your policy. Reach out to get a consultation with a treatment specialist.

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.