Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms That You Must Know

Every year, thousands of people die due to heroin addiction. This problem needs to be stopped, but so many people fear heroin withdrawal symptoms. This anxiety is understandable because withdrawal is excruciating – and even deadly. As a result, it is essential to not only understand these symptoms but how to manage them to beat addiction for good.

Physical Symptoms of Heroin Withdrawal

The first heroin withdrawal symptoms are usually physical. As opiates leave the body, it reacts violently and may cause a myriad of reactions. These reactions will vary depending on a person and the level of their addiction. Just a few of these reactions include:

  • Muscle aches – These often develop throughout the body and can be quite devastating
  • Flu-like symptoms – You may develop a runny nose and extreme nausea, may vomit, and could sweat excessively
  • Bowel problems – Heavy cramps, diarrhea, and even constipation may all occur during withdrawal
  • Dilated pupils – Your pupils may open wide during withdrawal, blurring your vision

All of these reactions are very hard for most people to tolerate. As a result, they often end up using heroin again to avoid them. Sadly, this cycle of abuse is all too common throughout the world. And without proper care and attention, it is destroying lives and causing emotional problems as well.

Emotional Problems During Withdrawal

As heroin withdrawal symptoms worsen, you’re likely to experience many emotional problems. You may develop depression, anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, and feelings of worthlessness. Even worse, the underlying psychological triggers for addiction – everybody has them – may become more severe as well, affecting your chances for recovery.

These concerns are likely to become more intense as your withdrawal worsens. The feeling that you aren’t in control of your body can be very upsetting for many and may cause some people to give up. However, this reaction fails to understand the nature of addiction. It is a disease, like a cold or flu, and can be treated. As a result, it is critical to understand the options available for your care.

Managing Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

The dangers of heroin withdrawal symptoms make it critical to take care of this problem ASAP. First of all, you need to understand the different treatment methods available. Addiction is usually handled on a multi-faceted level to manage physical and emotional problems. For instance, a typical substance abuse recovery program includes:

  • Detox – Get rid of the heroin in your body safely to minimize withdrawal symptoms
  • Health assessment – Receive treatment for heroin-related health problems, such as nutritional deficiencies
  • Psychological care – Learn more about the emotional issues that trigger your heroin abuse and how to manage them
  • Behavior adjustment – Tweak the cycle of abuse to learn more about how behaviors reinforce negative actions
  • Aftercare – Learn how to live a sober lifestyle, manage your abuse triggers, and get help finding a job or a new place to live

By properly managing your substance abuse in this way, you can walk away from heroin for good. Just as importantly, you can regain the self-belief that heroin stole from you. Recovery is all about believing that you have the strength and ability to fight addiction and stay healthy. And with the help of professional rehab experts, you can regain your sobriety for good.

We Can Help You

If you need help managing heroin withdrawal symptoms, contact us today. At Casa Palmera, we offer full-service residential treatment and 12-step recovery. We are an in-network provider who works with many different insurance companies, including Aetna, Blue Cross, Anthem, and Cigna. Besides residential care, we have dual-diagnosis, family care, and aftercare. So please come to us to get the help that you need to recover.

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.