What is Emotional Freedom Technique?
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a type of psychotherapy primarily used to treat those experiencing symptoms of trauma. This practice is performed in a way similar to acupuncture and is related to the practice, acupressure. Needles however, are not necessary in EFT. Instead of needles, a person’s fingertips are used through tapping. Also, like acupuncture, points on the body are stimulated to create balance.
In the process of healing, a balanced body (meaning balanced energy) is necessary because energy, which relates to emotions, affects a person’s physical health. The practice of emotional freedom technique creates this energy balance and thus contributes to trauma and pain relief. Effects of EFT last for a long period of time and the process only takes a few minutes to perform. Pain and trauma therapy at a trauma treatment center is another way to achieve relief from pain, PTSD, and trauma.
The practice of emotional freedom technique was developed by Gary Craig and was based off of thought field therapy (TFT). EFT is different than thought field therapy in that no diagnosis or specific pattern of tapping must be performed in order for the therapy process to be effective. Because of this, EFT is a much simpler practice that that of TFT. Many trauma treatment centers offer both thought field therapy and emotional freedom technique as a part of their trauma recovery program.
Practice of EFT
Emotional freedom technique is practiced by tapping the fingertips on certain areas of the body. These areas are called meridian points. Meridian points encourage the even flow of energy in the body, which in turn produces positive emotions and a healthy body. EFT tapping is performed while a person thinks of negative emotions they desire to remove through this process. Negative emotions as well as specific physical pains and disease can be used in this method. Many pain treatment centers now offer EFT as a form of pain relief.
A few points of contact used in emotional freedom technique include:
- Side of the thumb
- Underneath the eyes
- Beginning point of the eyebrows
- Side of the hand
- Collarbone
- Below the nose
- Underneath the arms
Fortunately, emotional freedom technique has no negative side effects and trying out this practice can only benefit you. Also, almost anyone, with a minimal amount of training can perform this practice on themselves. This may prove beneficial in stressful and overwhelming situations. In some trauma treatment centers, emotional freedom technique is used as a form of therapy and helps to lift self-esteem and overall mood.
Benefits of EFT
Specific benefits of EFT include:
- Elimination of pain
- Improved quality of sleep
- Eating habits improved
- Help with a variety of phobias
- Depression help
- Elimination of addiction to smoking
- Raised self-esteem
- Faster recovery from trauma
- Weight loss
- Decreased aggression
- Reduced pain from disease
- Assistance with mental disorders
- Improved vision
- Sports improvement
- Lowered stress levels
- Help with post traumatic stress disorder
- Reduction of nightmares
EFT provides a new type of relief for trauma or pain and is especially useful for those attending trauma treatment or pain rehab. Although this therapy does not benefit everyone, it may provide a valuable solution to those who have not found relief through other trauma therapy types. In some cases, full relief cannot be achieved but slight relief occurs. Sometimes however, long-term repetition creates further change and relief.