Tips for Celebrating a Sober Halloween

Halloween parties used to mean racy costumes, plenty of alcohol, and any drugs your friends wanted to share. However, you’re changing your mind about substance abuse. You don’t want to drink any longer. Here are some tips for a sober Halloween party anyone will enjoy.

Make the Commitment

Whether you’re hosting a sober Halloween party or decide to look for one elsewhere, commit to complete abstinence. For some, this means not accepting an invitation to a friend or family member’s home. Be up front that you don’t want to be around drugs or alcohol. This allows guests to respect your wishes and not bring anything to your party that wouldn’t fit in with the sober plans.

Where to Find Sober Halloween Events

Smiling woman with pumpkin ready to celebrate a sober HalloweenIf you’re not up for hosting a party yourself, consider finding an alcohol and drug-free party someone else puts on. A local 12 step program Los Angeles offers frequently plans special events on days that could be dangerous for people in recovery. This might include a costume party, a potluck get-together, or a friendly outing to a coffee shop.

Local area attractions are not far behind. Case in point is the famed Queen Mary, which hosts a paranormal ship walk. For those who are a little more hardcore, there’s the paranormal investigation tour. Feel like the ghost hunters you see on TV, and don’t worry about any substances that could create a temptation.

If you’re in the LA area, do not miss the Los Angeles Haunted Hayride event at Griffith Park. The event is open to children as young as 12, which means that there can’t be any alcohol. That said, this is an intense event that isn’t for the faint of heart.

You Ran into Trouble and Relapsed. Now What?

If in spite of your best efforts you blow your sober Halloween and relapse. There’s hope. Consider it a bump in the road of recovery. Don’t give up. Instead, head over to Casa Palmera for help that includes:

  • Medical detox program that prevents pain and curb cravings
  • Dual diagnosis treatment for people with co-occurring psychiatric conditions
  • Family therapy program, which helps loved ones support your efforts to regain sobriety
  • 12 Step program participation for relapse prevention and accountability
  • Substance abuse aftercare, which helps you continue on your journey to lifelong sobriety

If your relapse happened just recently, you might not need a stay at the drug or alcohol detox center. Going straight to rehab may be a better option. Work with an addiction treatment specialist to dig deeper and uncover what made you use again. Next, develop new coping skills or build on already existing ones to protect against future relapse.

Reach out for Help Before or After a Relapse

Don’t be ashamed of a temporary setback. There’s plenty of help available. Of course, you can enjoy a sober Halloween and avoid exposure to drugs or alcohol. Contact us for questions or assistance today.

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