7 Tips for Staying Sober During the Holidays

For some, the holiday blues contribute to the urge to drink again after long periods of sobriety. For others, boredom is a trigger. Most importantly, there seems to be alcohol at every party, gathering, or even work-related function. Seven tips for staying sober during the holidays can help you navigate the maze of temptations and triggers or get help from an alcohol detox center Los Angeles trusts.

(1) Journal to Keep Perspective

Woman outside distressed about staying sober during the holidays

Recovery and staying sober are lifestyle choices. It’s easy to lose perspective and forget your reasons for stopping a chemical dependency. As the holiday season approaches, it’s particularly important to remember what life was like before you stopped using. Most importantly, outline your reasons for staying the course.

(2) Make Plans and Stay Active

Holidays can depress you. Everyone seems to have a place to go and celebrate while you stay at home. Even if you don’t have family members or friends living nearby, plan to attend a community event. A 12 Step program and similar support groups host sober holiday parties.

(3) A Healthy Lifestyle Supports Staying Sober during the Holidays

Don’t overeat or otherwise sabotage your newfound healthy lifestyle. Tips for staying sober must include health-focused activities. Try new, healthy dishes, and head over to that weight machine at the gym you’ve never tried before. Physical health goes a long way toward supporting mental health, too.

(4) Know How to Say No

When you attend a party where there’s alcohol, know how to refuse a drink. Hosts who don’t know that you struggle with a use disorder will offer them. It can seem tricky to refuse while being polite. Practice ahead of time how you’ll say no without sounding awkward to your own ears.

(5) Bring an Accountability Partner

If you’re unsure that you can accomplish staying sober during the holidays, take a friend with you when you party. She or he can help you say no when you’re tempted to say yes. Of course, this tip only works when you commit to heeding the advice your accountability partner gives you.

(6) Pick Your Festivities with Care

Don’t go to parties where alcohol is the centerpiece of festivities. This is frequently the case when you’re thinking of returning to your old haunts. Most importantly, stay away from parties that take place at bars and similar venues. There, staying sober becomes more difficult.

(7) Know When to Exit

No matter how careful you are, there comes a time when the temptation is just too strong. That’s your cue to leave. Politely thank your host and get out. If you prefer, you can just quietly go and send a card the next day.

If You Relapse Casa Palmera Can Help

In spite of these tips for staying sober during the holidays, it’s possible that you fall off the wagon. That’s okay. A Los Angeles rehab center can help you get back in control. Treatments include:

  • Behavioral counseling that tries to understand what caused you to use again
  • Dual diagnosis treatment if you struggle with depression or anxiety
  • One-on-one talk therapy to get back on track
  • Group therapy to receive peer encouragement
  • Life and coping skills training for relapse prevention

When staying sober during the holidays is a struggle, there’s help. Whether you need assistance sobering up for the first time, or you experience a relapse, Casa Palmera is open and ready to help. Contact us any time you need help.

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.