Vicodin Overview: Addiction Signs, Withdrawal and Treatment

Vicodin addiction is a growing problem thanks to how frequently it is prescribed and how addictive opiate-based pain medications, such as Vicodin, are. If taken properly, Vicodin is an effective treatment for pain, but misuse or long-term use can become dangerous. Someone who may innocently begin taking Vicodin to treat an injury or chronic pain can quickly slide into accidental addiction and dependency.

What is Vicodin?

Vicodin is one of the most widely prescribed painkillers and, unfortunately, one of the most frequently abused. The proper way to take Vicodin is to swallow it in tablet form, but some abusers may also crush it into a powder for snorting or combine it with water for injection.

The Signs of Vicodin Addiction

If abused, Vicodin can become highly addictive because the body becomes physically and emotionally dependent on the drug. Here are some warning signs of Vicodin addiction:

* Continued use of the drug, even after the pain it was prescribed for has ceased.
* Mood and behavior changes, such as becoming hostile, volatile, agitated or anxious.
* Secretive or deceitful behavior in order to obtain the drug. Having multiple prescriptions from more than one doctor or buying it off the street is a good indication that an addiction has started.
* Physical withdrawal symptoms when doses are missed. Flu-like symptoms such as joint and muscle aches, night sweats and insomnia are very common.
* Developing a high tolerance so that more pills are needed for the same desired effect.
* Withdrawal from friends, family and society, especially if people close to say you have a problem.
* Financial problems associated with having to purchase more and more pills.

Vicodin Overdose Facts

Sings of Vicodin overdose are:

* Increased sweating
* Nausea and vomiting
* Slowed heart rate
* Reduced blood pressure
* Breathing problems
* Limp muscles
* Cold and/or clammy skin
* Bluish appearance to skin, fingernails and/or lips
* Kidney problems
* Liver failure
* Extreme sleepiness
* Unresponsiveness
* Coma

Vicodin Detox

Vicodin is an opiate that’s derived from the same chemical base as heroin. Just like heroin withdrawal, Vicodin withdrawal can be painful and difficult. Vicodin detox first begins with detoxification to rid the body of all the harmful toxins left behind from the opiate abuse. There are several ways Vicodin detox is accomplished: traditional opiate detox utilizing medications such as methadone, Buprenorphine and Chlondine; and rapid detox, which is done under general anesthesia for six to eight hours. All of these detox medications can help alleviate Vicodin withdrawal symptoms, such as aching limbs, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, unbearable pain, cold sweats, depression and panic.

The second step of Vicodin detox is treating the mental addiction to Vicodin. Even when the addict wants to be sober, the mind will tell the addict it needs more Vicodin in order to function. Undergoing addiction treatment at a Vicodin rehab will provide a safe, supportive environment free of temptation and access to Vicodin so that the mental addiction can be broken.

Vicodin Rehab

If you feel like you’re addicted to Vicodin, seek medical treatment right away. If youíre still suffering from chronic pain, a doctor can help you find an alternative way to control your pain. The sooner you receive help, the easier it will be to stop taking Vicodin.

Recovery from Vicodin addiction is more successful if the physical and mental symptoms are treated at a Vicodin rehab. Once detox is complete, a Vicodin rehab will begin individual and group counseling to treat the mental addiction and learn the skills to live drug free.

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.