National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

The holly jolly holiday season is over. New Year’s Day has come and gone. Thus, you’re likely working on your resolutions. Making the pledge to stop drinking or using drugs is splendid. If you’ve already gotten sober with addiction treatment services, then helping others manage addiction would be great too. For instance, National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week 2019 provides a great way to help others. Since 2010, NDAFW has been coordinated by the National Institute on Drug Abuse to build community awareness. Expressly, the seven-day education campaign targets young adults at risk of trying addictive substances. In fact, there are already 430 NDAFW events registered from Maine to Mexico for January 22-28, 2019. Ultimately, this year’s efforts will be even bigger than the successful than last year’s.

Why We Celebrate National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week 2019

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week can dispel myths about the many drugs pictured

Presently, the United States is facing an addiction epidemic across 50 states. Notably, the Health & Human Services Department reports that 11.4 million people abuse opioids. Each day, at least 130 Americans die from opiate overdoses. Unfortunately, teens are the most vulnerable to trying new drugs due to peer pressure. Teen substance abuse treatment is required for young adults to recover. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control found 12 percent of adolescents aged 12-20 binge drink. Often, they see drugs wrongfully portrayed as cool on TV and social media. Hence, National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week strives to set kids straight. NDAFW uses the motto “Shatter the Myths” to counter false ideas young adults may have. Chiefly, it’s a valuable experience showing teens reasons to stay clean.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week 2019 Events

First, participating in National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week requires learning about the different activities available. Looking back to 2018 can help you plan. For instance, NDAFW connected 100 schools for Chat Day last January. This was a Web-based forum for high school students to ask real-life scientists questions about drugs. Similarly, the National Drug and Alcohol IQ Challenge had a 12-question contest testing youngsters’ knowledge. Community centers nationwide ordered NIDA materials to teach engaging seminars. Some Los Angeles locations were the Children’s Hospital, UMMA Clinic, Young Youth Core Academia, and La Vista High School. Specifically, the San Fernando Valley Partnership had an event discussing cannabis edibles. Overall, endless possibilities for your involvement are available.

Begin Your Own Recovery This January at Casa Palmera

New Year’s is the perfect time to start fresh. Casa Palmera can teach you methods to kick unhealthy habits. Our accredited West Los Angeles rehab provides many substance abuse programs Los Angeles residents need. For 11 years, we’ve paired clients with licensed doctors, psychiatrists, and counselors to effectively treat cravings. Casa Palmera has inpatient and outpatient options, including:

Contact us today to change your life.

About the author


This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for medical advice. We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and this content is to provide an overall understanding of substance use disorders. These disorders are very complex, and this post does not take into account the unique circumstances for every individual. For specific questions about your health needs or that of a loved one, seek the help of a healthcare professional.