People drink alcohol and get in their cars all the time. What’s the big deal? During December, which is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, officials release messages that remind us of the risks. Would you be able to stop drinking so you can drive tonight or do you need alcohol addiction treatment?
What are the Risks of Driving after a Few Drinks?

When you begin drinking alcohol, your judgment decreases. Alertness goes down while feelings of invincibility increase. Most importantly, your ability to react reduces significantly. Therefore, you’re more likely to stop too late or fail to avoid an obstacle.
As you continue drinking, the effects worsen. Remember that full intoxication doesn’t set in until all the alcohol in your system metabolizes. This means that your blood alcohol level can increase even after you stop drinking. Underestimating the level of intoxication is at the heart of drunk driving prevention messages.
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
Officials chose December for their messages against drinking and driving because alcohol-fueled fatalities increase at that time. With so many holiday parties and celebrations happening back-to-back, alcohol seems to be everywhere. It’s more tempting than ever to consume more drinks than you planned. For someone trying to remain sober, this is the most trying time of the year.
Experts suggest that you plan ahead when you attend festivities that include alcohol. Make alternate transportation plans. Take turns with friends to be the designated driver. However, what happens if you lose control around alcohol–no matter how hard you try to stay sober?
Alcohol Disorder Treatment Puts You Back in Control
Losing control when there’s alcohol in the room can be a sign of a use disorder. This isn’t something that you can fix on your own. Working with rehab specialists is the answer. Most importantly, this type of treatment will put you back in control and is the best drunk driving prevention. Typical therapeutic interventions include:
- Medical detox that lets you quit drinking without worrying about withdrawal symptoms or pain
- Residential or intensive outpatient program (IOP) care that adapts to your level of treatment need
- Behavioral therapies that encourage the development of coping skills to overcome dysfunction
- Family therapy program, which helps heal conflicts with loved ones and reopens avenues of communication
- Substance abuse aftercare as a way to help you reach your goal of lifelong sobriety
You don’t have to wait for the warning messages during National Impaired Driving Prevention Month to seek treatment. Casa Palmera operates the residential treatment or IOP program Los Angeles locals trust. As an in-network provider with Blue Cross, Anthem, Aetna, and Cigna, paying for your care is easy. Contact us today to schedule the beginning of your recovery.