Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly increasing problem, especially among 12- to 17-year-olds. According to a study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, the… Read More
What you need to know about Prescription Painkillers
What is prescription painkiller addiction? How can you tell someone is suffering from it? Addiction to prescription painkillers occurs when someone has a compulsive need to use painkillers and is… Read More
Understanding Holistic Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Having a dual diagnosis of alcohol or drug addiction together with a mood or personality disorder such as depression, anxiety or bi-polar disorder requires great care and special attention during… Read More
Everything you need to know about Holistic Alcohol Rehab
Information on holistic alcohol rehab shows that holistic treatments greatly improve a patient’s success in recovery and sobriety. Since addiction affects all aspects of an individual and can be a… Read More
How to give an intervention
An intervention occurs when a group of family, friends or co-workers assembles together to confront a loved one about his or her self-destructive behavior and encourages the behavior to stop…. Read More
Everything You Need to Know About Marijuana
What is Marijuana? Marijuana comes from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa and produces an active chemical called THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). It is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United… Read More
What you need to know about Inhalants
What is an inhalant? Inhalants are ordinary household products that are inhaled or sniffed in order to produce a quick, temporary high.
Ecstasy – What you need to know
What is Ecstasy? Ecstasy is the common street name for MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), a synthetic, psychoactive drug that produces stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. Ecstasy produces increased euphoria, energy, emotional warmth and… Read More
GHB Abuse Fact Sheet
What is GHB? GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) is in the class of drugs known as “club drugs.” It is a central nervous system depressant that was originally developed as a sleep… Read More
Everything you need to know about PCP Abuse
What is PCP? PCP (phencyclidine), also known as “angel dust,” distorts the user’s perceptions of sight and sound and produces feelings of detachment from the environment and from themselves.